How can one retrieve an element based on its attribute?

Below is a custom tag/directive that I am using:

<tile class="ng-scope gridster-item" tilevalue="1" gridster-item="tile" row="0" col = "0" ng-repeat="tile in selectedTiles"> </tile>

I'm trying to figure out how to set focus on this element. Is there a method to locate an element by its attribute name in order to set focus?

Answer №1

Utilizing vanilla JavaScript allows you to utilize .querySelector and .querySelectorAll to select the desired elements, similar to CSS.

var element = document.querySelector('[class="ng-scope gridster-item"]')

var element = document.querySelector('[gridster-item="tile"]')

Afterwards, you can manipulate element as needed.

Answer №2

If you've included the jquery tag, the possibilities are endless. If there's just one element called "tile," you can select it using $("tile"), or by classes with $(".ng-scope.gridster-item").

Alternatively, you can target any attribute with


Keep in mind that this may return an array of objects. To access the actual element, you can use

as a reference.

Answer №3

Utilize document.querySelector or document.querySelectorAll to select elements without needing jQuery.

var elements = document.querySelectorAll("[gridster-item]");


var elements = document.querySelectorAll("[gridster-item=tile]");

Focus on the selected element:


querySelector will return the first element, while querySelectorAll will return a NodeList similar to an array.

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