How can one maintain the same color for a child in a sunburst sequence as its parent?

Seeking advice on how to create a lighter color for a child element based on the parent's color. The code I currently use generates random colors as shown below:

  var color = d3.scale.category20b();

 .style("fill", function(d) { return color((d.children ? d : d.parent).name); })

This results in a random color for each node, like the first image linked here: first image : random colour

However, what I am aiming for is a gradient effect where the child's color is lighter than the parent's color, as seen in this example image: Gradient colour

If anyone has suggestions on achieving this effect, it would be greatly appreciated. I have included links to my result images due to restrictions on posting images directly. Thank you.

Answer №1

This project presented an intriguing challenge. The majority of the effort went into setting up the color schemes and various webpage templates. I encountered some unexpected issues while attempting to utilize d3.interpolateString(), so I decided to postpone that for further investigation. Here is how I prepared for this task:

var brewerColors = d3.entries(colorbrewer);
// colors 1-5 seemed too similar
// colors 6-13 provided the best contrast
// colors 4 and above were not suitable
var brewerOffset = 9;
var pageTypes = ["home","product","search","account","other","end"];
var colors = [];
var pages = [];
for (var ct=0; ct<pageTypes.length; ct++) {
    var colorBucket = brewerColors[ct + brewerOffset].value[pageTypes.length];
    for (var ct2=0; ct2<colorBucket.length; ct2++) {
        pages.push(pageTypes[ct] + (ct2 + 1));

var ramps = d3.scale.ordinal()
    // ensure center colors are darker than edge colors

Following that, assigning the appropriate colors to the shapes was a straightforward process:

var path =[json]).selectAll("path")
    .style("fill", function(d) {
        return ramps( + d.depth); // e.g. product1, home2, etc.

For a live demonstration, you can access the complete working code on PLUNK.

NOTE: I recommend making a copy of the plunk to prevent accidental deletion in the future.

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