How can one determine the optimal method for measuring the height of an element?

Currently, I am utilizing Bootstrap Vue table with Vue v2 and implementing a prop (sticky-header="600px") to establish the table height:

   <page-header> </page-header>
   <div class="content">

        <div class="table-responsive">
           <b-table-simple class="text-left border-left multiple-headers" small sticky-header="600px" bordered no-border-collapse>
              <b-thead head-variant="light">
                    <b-td> </b-td>

However, the appearance is not ideal on larger screens due to excessive spacing at the bottom. To address this issue, I am looking for a way to adjust the table height relative to the screen height. What would be the most effective method to calculate the necessary space around the table body (top and bottom) for all screen sizes and then apply calc(100vh - XXpx)?

Answer №1

After trying various methods, I finally found a solution that suits my needs. The approach involves calculating the combined height of all elements on the page (excluding the table) and then using this data to adjust the overall height in relation to the viewport height:

Here is the template code snippet:

   <page-header class="space-1"> </page-header>
   <div class="content">
         <b-row ref="barButtons">

        <div class="table-responsive">
              sticky-header="`calc(100vh - ${heightTable}px)`" 
              <b-thead head-variant="light">
                    <b-td> </b-td>

And here is the script section:

  heightIndex: String
mounted() {

methods: {
      let spaceHeight = document.getElementsByClassName('space-1')[0].clientHeight;
      let barButtonsHeight = this.$refs.barButtons.clientHeight;
      this.heightIndex = spaceHeight + navbarHeight + barButtonsHeight + 150;

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