How can jQuery and CSS automatically style HTML lists based on color?

Is there a way to automatically generate unique background colors for list elements?

Check out this html snippet that displays list items with different background-colors.

        <a href=#">I am the first element</a>
        <a href=#">I am the 2nd element</a>
        <a href=#">I am the 3rd element</a>

If you're unable to manually add class or style, using jQuery could be a solution. Here's an example:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.toc > ul > li').each(function(e){
        var n = $(this).children().text().length*222222;
        var h = n.toString(16).substr(0,6);

The current result may not be visually pleasing, as some colors appear very similar rendering the script ineffective.

Do you have any other innovative techniques for creating visually appealing colorized lists automatically?

Answer №1

Creating an appealing visual design requires the careful selection of colors. Using random colors can result in a poor aesthetic.

var colors = "000000,22222,44444,66666,88888,a0a0a0".split(",")
$('.table-of-contents > ul > li').each(function(){
      $(this).css('background-color', colors[$(this).index()])   

Answer №2

Check out this helpful resource:

JavaScript Random Color Generator

I've also implemented it in a code snippet on JSFiddle:

var letters = '0123456789ABCDEF'.split('');
var color = '#';
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) {
    color += letters[Math.round(Math.random() * 15)];

Answer №3

For those in search of a variety of random colors that share a similar aesthetic, consider utilizing the hsl() function to specify your color choices.

An example would be...

hsl( randomNumberBetween0and360, 100%, 50% );

This method will generate a collection of colors that complement each other seamlessly.

Take a look at this quick demonstration:,js,output

If compatibility with IE is a concern, consider using a helpful tool like TinyColor.

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