How can I validate a password input in a form on click and reveal a hidden div on the same page without refreshing?

I've been attempting to create a password-only form that reveals a hidden div on the same page when the correct password is entered. I want to avoid reloading the page, but I'm unsure of how to achieve this.

function checkPassword() {
  var confirmPassword = "admin";
  var password = document.getElementById("pass").value;
  if (password == confirmPassword) {
    var x = document.querySelector('.hidden');
    if ( === "none") { = "block";
    } else {
      alert('Try again.'); = "none";
.hidden {
  display: none;
<form method="post">
  <label for="pswd">Enter Password</label>
  <input type="password" id="pass">
  <input type="button" value="Go" onclick="checkPassword();" /></form>
<div class="hidden">
  <p>This section should only be visible to users who know the password.</p>

I suspect that the JavaScript code may be incorrect. Are there any alternative methods to accomplish this task?

Answer №1

Here are a few key points to note:

  1. Make sure to assign the value returned by

    to a variable like x

  2. Buttons do not have a submit event, consider using the click event instead

  3. Double check your element IDs - it seems like you may be confusing an ID with a class in this scenario

function checkPswd() {
  var confirmpassword = "admin";
  var password = document.getElementById("pass").value;
  if (password == confirmpassword) {
    var x = document.querySelector('.hidden');
    if ( === "none") { = "block";
    } else {
      alert('tryagain'); = "none';
.hidden {
  display: none;
<form method="post">
  <label for="pswd">enter password</label>
  <input type="password" id="pass">
  <input type="button" value="go" onclick="checkPswd();" /></form>
<div class="hidden">
  <p>this part I want hidden from people who don't know the password</p>

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