How can I use ontouchstart and ontouchend events in jQuery?

Currently, I am using the following code to change the class of elements on touch:

ontouchstart="$(this).addClass('select');" ontouchend="$(this).removeClass('select');"

I was wondering if there is a more efficient way to achieve this functionality:


This would allow me to specify multiple elements that should have this behavior. I've attempted different approaches but haven't been successful in making it work.

Answer №1

In the end, I simply employed the following code:

$('.menu li').on('touchstart', function(){
}).on('touchend', function(){

Answer №2

When using vanilla JavaScript :

element.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) {
    e.currentTarget.className = "selected";

However, with the use of JQUERY :

$('#navbar ul li a').on('touchstart', function(){

In fact, the on() method provides better performance compared to bind(). More details can be found in the official documentation

Answer №3

Consider incorporating jQuery Mobile into your project. It provides normalized events that may align with your requirements. Refer to jQuery Mobile's API reference for a comprehensive list of special events: checkout this link.

Pay attention to the following events:


Standardized event for managing touchstart or mousedown events


Standardized event for managing touchmove or mousemove events


Standardized event for managing touchend or mouseup events

Answer №4

Have you considered implementing the :hover pseudo-class instead? It appears that this modification to the CSS regulations of the nav_li component is only temporary.

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