How can I use jQuery to slide up and slide down divs that share the same class?

Currently, I am working on creating a single-page checkout form.

The challenge I am facing involves sliding up and down various divs with the same class name but different contents.

To demonstrate this issue, I have prepared a sample in JSFiddle:

Here is the jQuery code I have implemented:

$( ".button" ).click(function() {
    $( ".pageContent" ).slideUp( "slow" );
function() {
    $( ".pageContent" ).slideDown( "slow" );

However, this current code causes all divs to slide down simultaneously.

I would appreciate any guidance or advice on resolving this issue. Thank you.

Answer №1

To target a specific type of element, you can use the :nth-of-type selector in CSS.

function() {
$( ".pageContent:nth-of-type(4)" ).slideDown( "slow" );

Check out this demo on jsFiddle

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