Updating the Hero Image


In my project directory, under Product -> src -> static -> ostatic [ there are two folders named css and images ] -> images -> where all the images can be found.

I am using bootstrap and attempting to set a background-image for jumbotron. After spending considerable time on this issue, it has become quite frustrating. In Django, I can easily reference an image with {% static 'images/imagename.jpg' %}, and it works perfectly. However, when trying to use background-image: url('images/imagename.jpg'); it doesn't work. I have attempted various other methods and searched through multiple StackOverflow threads for solutions, but none of them seem to resolve my problem =/

Answer №1

In order to properly link the image, ensure that the path is relative to the site root. Given the structure you have described:

background-image: url('/src/static/ostatic/images/imagename.jpg');

Make sure to use the leading / to indicate that the path starts at the site root.

Answer №2

Dealing with the same issue was frustrating!

It appears that using a local image is not permitted and it needs to be linked instead

For instance, something along these lines:

background-image : url(https://image.example.com/picture.jpg);

However, please use your own link ^_^

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