How can I transfer CSS styles from one class to another using JQuery?

Is it possible for me to create a timepicker that matches the style of the datepicker in the current UI Theme? I am looking to replicate the CSS properties from the datepicker for my timepicker without copying any behavioral aspects.

(Although there are other timepickers available, none of them quite meet my expectations...)

Answer №1

Combining CSS and HTML markup with JavaScript code can be quite challenging due to their tight integration. Additionally, CSS often relies on images, such as a large image containing multiple smaller images that are selected using CSS rules.

To properly inherit CSS styles, you must also use the same class names in your datepicker component. This includes dependencies on core jQuery UI CSS, not just the datepicker-specific styles. It's important to consider these factors when implementing your datepicker functionality.

Answer №2

To extract all the necessary values, you can utilize jQuery and store them as variables step by step:

var background = $(this).css("background-color");
var margin = $(this).css("margin");

And so on...

Then present them using:

$(this).css({'background-color' : background+'px', 'margin' : margin+'px'});

Does this method make sense? It's not exactly duplicating the stylesheet, but rather retrieving specific sections and applying them to another element...

Wishing you the best of luck.

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