How can I show the remaining paragraph text upon clicking a button in a responsive manner using CSS and JavaScript?

I want to add a nice animation effect to the height of my text when a button is clicked. I've managed to achieve this by setting a height: 30px with overflow: hidden initially, and then toggling a class with height: 300px. However, I'm facing an issue with making it responsive. While it looks good on mobile devices, increasing the resolution makes the height too small.

Is there a way to adjust the height based on the screen width? Or are there other methods to hide part of the text responsively?

Below is the code snippet:


    @include displayFlex($direction: column, $align-item: center);
    gap: 20px;
    &-content {
        height: 60px;
        overflow: hidden;
        transition: all 400ms ease-in-out;

.about__body-content-show {
    transition: all 400ms ease-in-out;
    height: auto;


let btnAbout = document.getElementById("btn--about")
let contentAbout = document.querySelector(".about__body-content")

const onClickShow = () => {
    btnAbout.addEventListener('click', (e) => {

Answer №1

To accomplish this, you can utilize JavaScript to adjust the height of your container to match the height of your content.

document.getElementById('expand').addEventListener('click', function() {
     document.querySelector('.content-holder').style.height = document.querySelector('.content').offsetHeight + 'px';

You can see a demonstration of this in action here:

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