How can I set a minimum height for a table on my website?

Is there a way to make a table that is at least 50px in size, but can still enlarge if there is a lot of text inside? I'm not sure if this even makes sense, but any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!

Answer №1

For achieving the desired layout, consider using the min-height CSS property. This property was specifically created for this purpose. Insert it into the markup like so:

<table style="min-height:100px;"> ... </table>

To achieve the desired result, you may need to apply this property to the <td> elements or potentially to some of their child contents.

Answer №2

To achieve this quickly, consider making a 50px high and 1px wide transparent PNG image. Insert it within your table, possibly in a separate column without borders or padding. This method will expand the table to at least 50px, but you may need to deal with that additional pixel. As far as I know, this is the most universal approach across different browsers.

Answer №3

Insert the following code inside your table element:

style="overflow:scroll; width:680px; height: 200px;" 

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