How can I make my image shine when the mouse hovers over

I have recently come across a fascinating effect where an image glows up when the mouse hovers over it. This is not your typical border glow, but rather a unique enhancement of colors within the image itself. I discovered a library called Pixastic that can achieve this glowing effect.

Is there a way to implement this captivating glow effect on image hover? I am hoping to create a button that will light up when hovered over.

Thank you for any assistance!

Answer №1

To enable a mouse over effect, the following code can be used:

  function () {
    Pixastic.process($(this).get(0), "glow", {amount:0.5, radius:1.0});
  function () {

The first function will execute when the mouse cursor enters the image, while the second function is triggered when the mouse exits the image area. This ensures that the image returns to its original state upon exiting.

Answer №2

Hey there! Want to add a cool Image Glow on Mouse Hover effect using CSS?

Feel free to check out the live demo:-

You can also explore a tutorial for CSS hover effects

Answer №3

Are you interested in something similar to this?

Zurb Dynamic Button

For all your cursor excursions, I highly recommend checking out this gem

HoverEffect Carousel jquery plugin

Answer №4

The example using Pixastic demonstrates how the demo() function is triggered upon form submission.

function demo() {
    Pixastic.process(document.getElementById("demoimage"), "glow", {
        amount : $("#value-amount").val(),
        radius : $("#value-radius").val()

To implement this effect, remember to add glow.js to your project and invoke the function on hover events.

$('img.myimage').hover(function() {
    Pixastic.process($(this), "glow", {
        amount : 0.5,
        radius : 0.5
}, function() {
    Pixastic.process($(this), "glow", {
        amount : 0,
        radius : 0

You can also use the revert() method as shown in the provided sample.

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