How can I make a div using jQuery fade in when an input field is in

I want to create a tooltip that changes its innerHTML and fades in when an input on my form is focused. Additionally, I need to check if the tooltip has been faded in as it initially loads faded out.

In essence, I am looking to switch the tooltip content with fading effects as different inputs are focused on my form.

This is what I currently have:

<script type="text/javascript">
var visible = 0;
var nameText = "<p>May I get your<br/>full name?</p>";
var emailText = "<p>Could I please<br/>get your email<br/>address?</p>";
var messageText = "<p>What is the<br/>message you<br/>would like to send?</p>";

$('.inp').on("focus", function(event){
    if (visible == 0)
        var fadeTime = 1;
        visible = 1;
        fadeTime = 500;

    $('bubble').fadeOut(fadeTime).html(function() {
        if ($this.attr('id') == "name")
            return nameText;
        else if ($this.attr('id') == "email")
            return emailText;
        else if ($this.attr('id') == "message")
            return messageText;


No JavaScript errors are being thrown. The HTML for my bubble and inputs is structured as follows:

<footer class="container">
<div class="row reveal">
    <div class="mailman fourcol">
        <img src="images/mailman.png" alt="The Mail Man" />
        <div id="bubble">
    <div class="contact eightcol last">

        <h1>CONTACT US FOR</h1> <h1>MORE INFORMATION</h1>
        <div class="clear"></div>
        <form name="contact-form">

            <div class="form-left">

                <div class="contact-name inp">
                    <input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="Name" />

                <div class="contact-email inp">
                    <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="Email" />

                <div class="clear"></div>

                <div class="contact-message inp">
                    <input type="text" name="message" id="message" value="Message" />


            <div class="contact-submit">
                <a href=""></a>



Answer №1

I made some corrections for you. View the demonstration.

Here are the main issues that needed to be resolved:

  1. The focus event should be triggered on the input element. Instead of

    $('.inp').on("focus", function(event){
    , it should be
    $('.inp').on("focus", 'input', function(event){

  2. You forgot to declare var $this = $(this); before using $this.attr(id), or simply use var id =; instead.

  3. $('bubble') should be corrected to $('#bubble')

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