How can I incorporate Bootstrap/Semantic UI into an Express project without relying on external CDNs

After downloading the minified version of Bootstrap and placing it in the root directory of my project, I added the following code to a HTML file located in /views/:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/bootstrap.min.css">

Despite this, the page remained unchanged as the Bootstrap styles were not applied. While I know that using a CDN would work, I wanted to experiment with including it locally first. I also attempted to include Semantic-UI in a similar manner, but encountered the same issue. What could be the mistake I am making?

Answer №1

After some investigation, I have finally cracked the code. If your stylesheet resides in the /public directory, you must include this particular line in your application file (typically named app.js):

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));

Following this adjustment, you can reference your stylesheets from any location within the project using the following snippet:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/bootstrap.min.css">

It's worth noting that you no longer need to specify the complete path (/public/bootstrap.min.css); by excluding the "/public" portion, it still functions correctly (in fact, attempting to use href="/public/bootstrap.min.css" would result in an error).

If anyone can shed light on why the initial line is essential, feel free to share your insights below. While I grasp its purpose, I remain puzzled as to why the creators of Express chose this method - why can't we simply <link> to our local files conventionally?

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