The scss function is returning an invalid property value

In my Angular project, I have organized my scss files/folders in the following way:

1) Settings - containing color settings and functions for the project 2) Files and folders defining variables such as fonts, widths, etc. for components and pages
3) Files and folders using these variables for classes

The issue I'm facing is that the functions created in the settings file are not working and giving an error of invalid property value.

_settings: loaded first

$brand-colours: (
    text:                       #2F2F2F,
    text-white:                 #FFFFFF,
    primary-bg-colour:          #F3F3F3,
    heading:                    #5C1544,
    border:                     #969696,
    borderSecondary:            #DCDCDC,
    primary:                    #0068AA,
    secondary:                  #D11E4F,
    focusState:                 #F6C037,
    focusBackgroundState:       #FFF7E6,
    hoverState:                 #00B2CF,
    hoverBackgroundState:       #00B2CF,
    activeState:                #00B2CF,
    errorState:                 #D91F26,
    validState:                 #C5DA46,
    panelLightBlue:             rgb(0, 0, 0)

@function brand-colour($colour, $colours: $brand-colours) {
    @return map-get($brand-colours, $colour);

_body: loaded second

$body-bg-colour:                brand-color('primary-bg-colour') !default;
$body-bg-colour-1:              #FFFFFF !default;
$body-colour:                   brand-colour('text');
$body-font-family:              'ProxinaNova';

_body: loaded last

body {
    background-color: $body-bg-colour-1;
    color: $body-colour;
    font-family: $body-font-family;

    @include hg-mq('med') {
        background-color: $body-bg-colour;

in style.scss

@import 'settings/settings';
@import 'base/body';
@import 'shared/body';

I have structured it this way to allow multiple apps to use the same code (last loaded) while only updating the first and second loaded files.

Answer №1

I noticed a small error in your code. The second argument of the brand-colour function is $colours, but you seem to be sticking with the default value instead of utilizing the argument. I have created a demonstration for you to see: DEMO.

Essentially, the brand-colour function is just shorthand for the map-get function with a default value set. It doesn't provide any additional benefit and only adds unnecessary complexity to your code. I would recommend simplifying it by using the map-get function directly.

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