How can I hide text using CSS or Jquery?

<label><input type="radio">TextdoesntMakeSense</label>

This content that is generated dynamically appears to be read-only, or so I believed...

label {

It's interesting on a webpage with a white background, however it still seems quite sneaky to me as you can still see the text if you highlight the buttons, at least on certain browsers.

Do you think a new version of CSS should include "text-display:none;"?

Perhaps using jQuery would be a better approach instead?

Answer №1

Give text-indent:-9999px a shot. It will push the text way over to the left so it's out of view.

Answer №2

To enclose it, you could wrap a span tag around it:

<label><input type="radio"><span class="ro-text">TextthatHasNoMeaning</span></label>


.ro-text {
    visibility: hidden;


.ro-text {
    display: none;

It really depends on the purpose you have in mind.

If you want to add the span dynamically, you can use this jQuery code:

$('label').html($('label').find('input')[0].outerHTML + '<span class="ro-text">'+$('label').text()+'</span>');

For a brief overview of what it does,

Adding a span within a label is considered "semantic", just so you know.

Answer №3


title {

Answer №4

My preferred approach is to utilize this technique when concealing text.

.label {
    text-indent: 150%;
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;
    font-size: 0.0001em

Main Benefits: This method ensures that extremely long text never spills over into the container but flows away from it instead.

Advantages compared to the widely used -9999px method: Performance sees a significant boost as there is no need for drawing a 9999px box (If you didn't know, browsers do actually render a large box off to the side).

For more information, check out: Website Article

Answer №5


It appears that solution has resolved the issue, although the ultimate goal is not entirely clear.

Answer №6

Give this a shot, it could potentially resolve the issue.

span {
    display: inline-block;
    float: right;
    width: 30px;
    height: 30px;
    overflow: visible;


Answer №7

As mentioned previously, setting font-size:0 is an option but it can interfere with the dimensions or size of the text container. I prefer to use a different technique that only affects the appearance of the text by changing the font color using an alpha channel value of 0.

color: rgba(0,0,0,0);

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