How can I effectively update Bootstrap 4 in a Rails environment?

After attempting to update my Rails 5 project from Bootstrap 4 Alpha 6 to the final version 4.0.0, I confirmed that the v4.0.0 gem was installed (with the alpha version gem uninstalled). However, upon running my project in development mode, I discovered that the generated Bootstrap CSS files were still based on the Alpha version.

gem 'bootstrap', '~> 4.0.0'

Aside from removing the old gem and installing the updated Bootstrap gem, is there anything else I should do to complete the upgrade? Should I manually download the v4.0.0 files and replace the existing files in my project?

Answer №1

If you're looking to update a single gem conservatively, check out this helpful article:

How to update a single gem conservatively

Method 1

This method works when all dependencies for the update are already met.

  1. Determine the version you want to update to

  2. Change it directly in Gemfile.lock

  3. Run bundle install and verify if it was successful

Method 2

This approach is suitable when the gem has no shared dependencies with other gems.

  1. Identify the version you wish to update to.
  2. Add that specific version explicitly to the Gemfile like so: '=1.2.3'
  3. Execute bundle install
  4. Remove the explicit version number afterward
  5. Run bundle install one more time

Method 3

This method should always deliver results.

  1. Execute bundle update GEMNAME
  2. Check the changes using git diff Gemfile.lock and manage any unwanted updates
  3. Undo undesired changes to Gemfile.lock, leaving only the desired updates
  4. Verify by running bundle install

Method 4

There have been speculations about updating a single gem via bundle update --source GEMNAME. However, this feature is not officially documented in Bundler and might be unstable due to potential dependency mismatches.

Exercise caution when using this method and review your Gemfile.lock changes carefully.

Method 5

Bundler >= 1.14 introduces a --conservative flag. Enabling this flag during bundle update GEM ensures that only the specified gem gets updated without affecting its dependent gems.

Credits To Author: Henning Koch

Answer №2

Consider organizing your Ruby dependencies in the Gemfile and keeping JS/CSS dependencies elsewhere, such as with Node+Yarn.

If you haven't already done so

brew install yarn

Next, navigate to config/initializers/assets.rb

Rails.application.config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('node_modules')

Now you can easily add packages using Yarn:

yarn add bootstrap

This command will create a node-modules directory if it doesn't already exist. After that, simply include bootstrap in your JS/SCSS files


//= require bootstrap/js/src/index


@import "bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";

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