How can I dynamically set the width of a span element in HTML?

Hello there! As a beginner in html and angularjs, I'm experimenting with dynamically assigning span width based on an angular js response.

<div class="statarea" ng-repeat="x in names">
     <div class="ratingarea">
        <div class="your-rating"><span style="width:"+{{ x.width }}+";" class="outer"></span>
     <div class="clear"></div>

Here's a snippet of my script:

$http.get(url).success(function (response) {
  $scope.names = response;

The response data looks like this:


I realize it may not be perfect, but I'm learning as I go. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

To style elements dynamically in Angular, you can utilize the ngStyle directive. This directive allows you to set CSS styles based on conditions or variables.

For example, you can use the following syntax: ng-style="{color: myColor}"

The ngStyle directive requires an Expression, which evaluates to an object with CSS style names as keys and their corresponding values. To set styles dynamically within a loop, you can do something like this:

<div class="statarea" ng-repeat="x in names">
  <span ng-style="x" />

You can also use scope variables for dynamic styling:

<div class="statarea" ng-repeat="x in names">
  <span ng-style="{'width': x.width}" />

Answer №2

To achieve this, you would need to utilize ng-style. You can view an example of this in action on JSFiddle here

<div ng-app="" ng-init="names = [{width:'78%', 'background-color': 'green'},{width:'60%', 'background-color': 'red'},{width:'50%','background-color': 'blue'}]">
<div class="statarea" ng-repeat="x in names">
     <div class="ratingarea">
        <div class="your-rating">
            <span ng-style="x" class="outer">{{x.width}}</span>
    <div class="clear"></div>

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