How can I create a unique overlay popup for each item in an iterated list using Django template?

Generating an iterated list of titles from context received by the template in Django is simple:

{% for instance in object_list %}
<li>{{instance.international_title}} </li>
{% endfor %}

CSS makes it easy to create a popup overlay as well:

    margin:0 auto;
    border:5px solid #cccccc;
<div align="center">
    <a href="#overlay"> Click Title for Detail</a>
<div id="overlay">
<p> Here is the text giving more detail<p>

The challenge arises when attempting to associate unique text with each unique title

for the overlay popup. Is it necessary to create separate css classes like #overlay1, #overlay2 and customize href for each one? Alternatively, can a single class be used where a variable is passed to select the correct text? Unfortunately, examples demonstrating this are difficult to find.

Answer №1

To customize the id, you have the option to append the primary key of the instance. Here is an example:

{% for item in object_list %}
    <div align="center">
        <a href="#overlay<b>{{ }}</b>">{{ item.international_title }}</a>
    <div id="overlay<b>{{ }}</b>">
    <p>{{ item.international_short_description }}<p>
{% endfor %}

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