How can I create a responsive input group with automatic width using Bootstrap 3.1?

I am having trouble with the layout of my two floating divs. The first div contains buttons and the second div contains an input-group. However, the input-group is moving down a line instead of utilizing the available space.

Here is a link for reference:

I have tried using fixed width for the second method, but it's not making full use of the free space. I would like the first div to "wrap content" as needed. Is there a way to achieve this? Any suggestions on how to solve this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

Apologies for any language barriers.

Answer №1


In order to align the buttons in the same line as the input element, you should apply display: inline to the btn-group class and remove the float: left property from it.

If you want this styling to only affect a specific btn-group element without impacting others, you can use the exception class for targeting individual instances.

However, if you wish to apply the style changes globally to all btn-group items, you can simply delete the exception class. Just be cautious, as applying display: inline universally may cause unexpected layout issues.

The last two paragraphs discuss selector structures and considerations that are not directly related to the current problem at hand.

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