How can I arrange the ng-class based on the clicked item's order?

In this scenario, there are three different border classes available:

.border1 {
  border: 1px solid #66FFFF;

.border2 {
  border: 1px solid #33CCFF;

.border3 {
  border: 1px solid #0099FF;

The goal is to assign the border1 class to the first button clicked, border2 to the second button clicked, and border3 to the third. Additionally, a restriction will be implemented to limit user selection to only three buttons.

Here is the current logic for the markup:

<div class="tag"
     ng-class="{'border1':selected1, 'border2':selected2, 'border3':selected3}"

The challenge lies in implementing the correct logic to ensure that the second and third buttons receive the appropriate styles. Any suggestions on how to approach this problem?

$scope.clickTag = function(t) {


Answer №1

One way to keep track of selected indexes is by using the $index variable.

HTML Markup:

<div class="tag-container">
    <div class="tag" ng-class="selected.indexOf($index)!== -1 ? 'border'+ (selected.indexOf($index) + 1): ''" 
     ng-mouseover="showTagDetails(t)" ng-click="clickTag($index)">
    <tag-details tag="t"></tag-details>

JavaScript Code:

$scope.clickTag = function(index) {
  // Check if the length is less than 4 and index is not already selected
  if ($scope.selected.length < 4 && $scope.selected.indexOf(index) === -1) {

View Plunker Demo

Answer №2

Following the same approach you've been using, simply introduce a new variable:

var count = 0;

Next, within your function:

$scope.clickButton = function(btn) {
    btn['clicked' + count] = true;

Finally, in your HTML code, make sure to include:

ng-class="{'active1': btn.clicked1, 'active2': btn.clicked2, 'active3': btn.clicked3}"

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