alteration of colors in a Chartist chart

Currently, I am working with a chartist graph where the colors are defined at a framework level. However, I need to make changes to the colors for a specific graph without altering the framework level settings. I attempted to create a .less file, but unfortunately, the changes are not being reflected.

Are there any alternative methods to adjust the color of a bar graph? Also, if I add more bars, I would like the colors to be different for each.

For reference, the link to the framework changes for chartist can be found here.

The color changes need to be made in the file located at here.

I have included a snippet of code in the .less file, but the changes are not showing up. Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated.

 .ct-series-a .ct-bar {
  stroke: white;
  stroke-width: 20px;
.ct-series-b .ct-bar {
      stroke: blue;
      stroke-width: 20px;

Thank you.

Answer №1

Even though this response is a bit delayed, I wanted to share a helpful Java script solution that I came across on this website. The solution demonstrates how you can dynamically color various components.

let chart = new Chartist.Bar('#barChart', data, options, responsiveOptions);
    chart.on('draw', function(context) {

      if(context.type === 'bar') {
          style: 'stroke:  red'
      }else if(context.type === 'point') {
            style: 'stroke:  blue'
      }else if(context.type === 'line') {
            style: 'stroke:  green'

Answer №2

I have recently established separate CSS (LESS) styles for each individual chart component.

.sales-chart {
    .ct-series-a {
        .ct-area {
            fill: #F14A78;

        .ct-bar, .ct-line, .ct-point, .ct-slice-donut {
            stroke: #F14A78;

    .ct-series-b {
        .ct-area {
            fill: #65C6F9;

        .ct-bar, .ct-line, .ct-point, .ct-slice-donut {
            stroke: #65C6F9;
            /*stroke-dasharray: 5px;*/

    .ct-series-c {
        .ct-area {
            fill: #FFA500;

        .ct-bar, .ct-line, .ct-point, .ct-slice-donut {
            stroke: #FFA500;

Answer №3

Less files require compilation into CSS as they are not directly CSS. Find a suitable compiler on GitHub or visit for more options.

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