How can I adjust the width of one specific table cell in a fixed table layout using HTML and CSS?

My table has 4 columns, with the first one fixed at 5% and the next 3 at a fixed 20%. To ensure the last 3 are always the same width, I am using table-layout:fixed. However, this is causing the first td to match the width of the last 3 columns.

Here is the HTML snippet:

<td class="groupsOptionsCheckboxCell"><input type="checkbox"/></td>

And here is my CSS style:

.creatorOptionsTable {border-collapse: collapse; width: 80%; table-layout: fixed;}
.creatorOptionsTable tr {border-bottom: 1px solid black;}
.creatorOptionsTable td {padding: 5px 3%; width: 20%; border-left: 1px solid black;    word-wrap: break-word}
 .creatorOptionsTable td.groupsOptionsCheckboxCell, .creatorOptionsTable th.groupsOptionsCheckboxCell {width: 5% !important;  text-align: center; border-left: none;}

Note: Although not shown, the <table> tag is present in the code.

This should be a simple fix, but it's not working as expected.

Below is the complete code snippet:

 <table id="creatorOptionsAddTable" class="creatorOptionsTable">
<tr class="firstRow">
    <th clas="groupsOptionsCheckboxCell"></th>
<td class="groupsOptionsCheckboxCell"><input type="checkbox"/></td>

Answer №1

Initially, there seems to be a misunderstanding regarding the following code snippet:

.creatorOptionsTable { width: 80%; }

This line of code sets the width of the table element to 80% of its parent element's width. For instance, if the parent element is 1000px wide, this code would essentially instruct the browser to make the table 800px wide. Furthermore, it then proceeds to dictate the distribution of width among the columns.

Moreover, when specifying column widths, their cumulative total must always equal 100%. It is crucial for the browser’s rendering logic as it cannot handle scenarios where the combined width falls short of 100%. This concept can be likened to distributing slices of pizza amongst friends - stating that there are 8 slices, Joe consumed 1 slice, John had 2, Sam ate 2, Steve indulged in 2; claiming all slices have been eaten but in reality, this is not true.

Having grasped this point, if one wishes for a column to occupy a quarter of the remaining three columns, the approximate widths could be set as 8%, 30%, 31%, 31% (or simply 10%, 30%, 30%, 30%). Alternatively, keeping the widths of the first three columns identical and assigning a variable width to the fourth column will result in it occupying the leftover space.

Answer №2

Eureka! After some digging around, I finally stumbled upon the solution. It turns out that the issue was caused by the presence of this snippet within my code:

.creatorOptionsTable {width: 80%;}

Once I removed that problematic line, everything fell into place perfectly. Appreciate the assistance nonetheless, folks!

Answer №3

It seems like you may have made a small error in your th tag, take another look at what you've written

<th clas="groupsOptionsCheckboxCell"></th>

Do you believe it is correct?

Answer №4

That solution should do the trick. However, make sure you also include the table class in your HTML code. I have made adjustments to incorporate your entire HTML sample. The issue was that there were no CSS rules defined for the th elements, which affected the width of the tds. If you encounter any further issues, feel free to let me know, although it seems to be functioning correctly on jsfiddle (


<table id="creatorOptionsAddTable" class="creatorOptionsTable">
<tr class="firstRow">
    <th class="groupsOptionsCheckboxCell"></th>
<td class="groupsOptionsCheckboxCell"><input type="checkbox"/></td>


.creatorOptionsTable {border-collapse: collapse; width: 80%; table-layout: fixed;}
.creatorOptionsTable tr {border-top: 1px solid black;}
.creatorOptionsTable tr.firstRow {border-top: none;}
.creatorOptionsTable td {padding: 5px 3%; width: 20%; border-left: 1px solid black; word-wrap: break-word}
.creatorOptionsTable td.groupsOptionsCheckboxCell, .creatorOptionsTable th.groupsOptionsCheckboxCell {width: 5% !important; text-align: center; border-left: none;}
.creatorOptionsTable th {padding: 5px 3%; width: 20%; border-left: 1px solid black; word-wrap: break-word}
.creatorOptionsTable th.groupsOptionsCheckboxCell, .creatorOptionsTable th.groupsOptionsCheckboxCell {width: 5% !important; text-align: center; border-left: none;}

Answer №5

Define the initial width of td as 30px and constrain it using max-width. Next, set the width of the subsequent 3 cells to 20% by applying +td in a recurring manner (td+td refers to the second td onwards, while td+td+td indicates the third one and beyond...)

/*Establish fixed width for the first cell*/
.creatorOptionsTable td {
    width: 30px;
    max-width: 30px;
/*Assign 20% width to recurring cells*/
.creatorOptionsTable td+td {
    width: 20%;

Additionally, enclose the table within a div that has a width of 80%, and specify the table's width as 100%:

div.container {
    max-width: 80%;
.creatorOptionsTable {
    width: 100%;
    word-wrap: break-word;

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