How can I adjust the font size of the placeholder text in an Angular

Here is an example of the input:

<mat-form-field class="example-full-width" floatLabel="always">
    <mat-label>Expedite Code</mat-label>
    <input type="string" placeholder="Expedite Code" [formControl]="expCode" matInput>

The output looks like this:

Is there a way to decrease the size of the placeholder text?

Keep in mind that the label is always floated, and I am looking to adjust the font size of the placeholder text.

Answer №1

For those looking to personalize their Angular material components and add their own styles to the mat-input placeholder, I have some recommendations for you.

1) You can override the classes in your main style.css (or style.scss, depending on which one you are using). This file should be at the same directory level as your index.html, main.ts, package.json, etc.

.mat-form-field-label {
  font-size: 0.8em!important;

I've put together a demonstration on this link.

2) Utilize ViewEncapsulation:None. Keep in mind that this approach is not highly recommended because it eliminates all forms of styling encapsulation within your component, allowing CSS rules to have a global impact.

In your component.ts, make sure to import ViewEncapsulation and set it to None when defining encapsulation.

import { Component, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'input-overview-example',
  styleUrls: ['input-overview-example.css'],
  templateUrl: 'input-overview-example.html',
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None

You can define your CSS styles within your component's css file without using the !important declaration.

.mat-form-field-label {
  font-size: 0.8em;

I've created another demo accessible through this link.

3) Apply the :host ::ng-deep pseudo selectors within the component's css file. This allows you to disable view encapsulation for specific rules. Keep in mind that this method may become deprecated in the future, so use with caution.

In your component's css file,

:host ::ng-deep .mat-form-field-label {
  font-size: 0.8em;

I've also created another demo available here.

Answer №2

To specify a particular size for your input field, you can utilize the CSS properties font-size.

input {
    font-size: 0.8em;

This style will affect both the placeholder text and the input text. If you only want it to apply to the placeholder text, you can use the selector :empty

input:empty {
    font-size: 0.8em;

Another option is to utilize :placeholder, but keep in mind that this feature is not supported by IE11, so compatibility may be an issue.

Answer №3

To style placeholder text in an input field, you can use the CSS Selector ::placeholder.

input::placeholder {
  font-size: 6px;
<input type="text" value="" placeholder="small text">

Answer №4

Check out this CSS code snippet:

input::placeholder { font-size: XXem; } 

This should do the trick :)

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