Hide the scrollbar in MUI Grid, all while maintaining the ability to scroll seamlessly

I am attempting to achieve the same outcome as mentioned in this post, but within a MUI Grid container/item. However, I am facing an issue where I do not see a scrollbar and am unable to scroll. Could there be a problem with my implementation?

Here is the sandbox link

Thank you in advance for your help.

Update: It seems the links are functional now, so I am updating this post with the relevant links and code.


  1. Hide scroll bar, but while still being able to scroll
  2. https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/scrollable-grid-8jrc3n?file=%2Fsrc%2FScrollableGrid.tsx


const ScrollableGrid: React.FC = () => {
  return (
      sx={{ overflow: "hidden", maxHeight: "300px", border: "1px solid green" }}
          overflowY: "auto",
          height: "100%",
          boxSizing: "content-box",
          border: "1px solid red",
          margin: "10px",
        <div>Text 1</div>
        <br />
        <div>Text 2</div>
        <br />
        <div>Text 3</div>
        <br />
        <div>Text 4</div>
        <br />
        <div>Text 5</div>
        <br />
        <div>Text 6</div>
        <br />
        <div>Text 7</div>
        <br />
        <div>Text 8</div>
        <br />
        <div>Text 9</div>
        <br />
        <div>Text 10</div>
        <br />
        <div>Text 11</div>
        <br />
        <div>Text 12</div>
        <br />

Answer №1

My previous comment successfully addressed this, so I'm sharing this for the benefit of other users.

If you wish to hide the scrollbar without compromising the functionality, you can do so using the following CSS:

.HideScrollbar {
  -ms-overflow-style: none; /* Specific to IE and Edge */
  scrollbar-width: none; /* Applicable to Firefox */
.HideScrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar {
  display: none;

Find more details and example code in this link for a forked version of the Code Sandbox.

Answer №2

To remove the scrollbar from view, simply insert the code below into your index.css file or your primary CSS document.

/* Conceal scrollbar for Chrome, Safari, and Opera */
.example::-webkit-scrollbar {
  display: none;

/* Conceal scrollbar for IE, Edge, and Firefox */
.example {
  -ms-overflow-style: none;  /* IE and Edge */
  scrollbar-width: none;  /* Firefox */

Make sure to apply the CSS class name to your div element.

<div className="example">
  <-- Your content here -->

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