Hide a CSS class when it is the only one present

Is it possible to set the display option to none for a css class only when it is used alone, without affecting it when used with another class?

Let's consider how the HTML code looks when I want to display the biography class:

<div class="user biography">

But if I want the biography class to be hidden using display: none when it is not accompanied by the user class:

<div class="biography">
  <p>should hide</p>

The challenge arises because simply applying .biography { display: none; } hides the biography class in both scenarios. How can this be achieved while ensuring it remains visible when combined with other classes?

Answer №1

To target specific elements with a class value of biography, you can utilize the attribute selector [class='biography']. This selector will apply styles to all elements that have the exact class value of biography.

[class='biography'] {
  display: none;
<div class="user biography">
<div class="biography">
  <p>should hide</p>

Answer №2

To determine if the class matches the exact name, you can utilize the attribute selector

[class="biography"] {
  display: none;

Elements with class="biography" will be the only ones that match.

Answer №3

One method you can employ is utilizing the :not pseudo-selector:

  display: none;

Answer №4

To solve this issue, you can create a new class and only apply the display:none property when both classes are present:

<div class="profile info">
<div class="info hidden">
  <p>will be hidden</p>
.info.hidden {
  display: none;

Answer №5

.profile-info {
    visibility: hidden;

.profile-info.user-details {
    visibility: visible; 

Answer №6

In my opinion, it's best to set the default as display:none and change it to display:block when necessary, such as when the element is inside a certain class. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

.user.biography {
  display: block;

.biography {
  display: none;
<div class="user biography">

<div class="biography">
  <p>should hide</p>

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