Scroll horizontally based on mouse movement

My angular directive that enables me to choose the content of table cells is performing as expected.

However, I encountered an issue when attempting to select multiple cells at once - the scrollbar does not move, hindering my ability to select the cells.

Check out the Stackblitz Demo

In the image below, you can see that I am trying to select cells but the lack of scrollbar movement prevents me from selecting all the intended cells (cells with green background indicate selected cells).

Update: Further clarification on the issue

While I can select multiple cells, the scrollbar fails to move right or bottom during the selection process. This makes it impossible for me to select cells that are currently not visible in the view. I am only able to select cells within the current visible area.

Answer №1

To achieve this, make use of the MouseEvent#clientX, Element.clientWidth, and Element#scrollLeft functionalities or simply call Element#scrollTo. For a practical demonstration, refer to the following StackBlitz.

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