Here is a unique version: "In order for a paragraph to be displayed with

<td _ngcontent-c2="" style="/* display: table-cell; *//* text-overflow: ellipsis; *//* width: 250px; *//* white-space: nowrap; *//* overflow: hidden; *//* text-overflow: ellipsis; */">"PaymentRequestDto [systemId=FZHolidays, entityId=GIYBV20180611054717483, paymentId=FZLEKS20180611054912756, currency=AED, amount=1419.18, apiOperation=null, requestType=TRAVEL, gateway=TNSPAY, transactionRef=87904, sessionId=4ba806bf-9ab7-49ad-bda7-0526e38d8601, billTo=BillToDto [firstName=sdad, lastName=adad, street=sadad, street1=null, street2=null, city=adada, state=null, postalCode=null, country=BH, emailId=null], travelDetails=TravelDetailsDto [departureDate=2018-07-10, departureTime=23:20, gmtVariation=+04:00, bookingChannel=WEB, carrierCode=FZ, flightNumber=FZ 547:FZ 548, fareBasisCode=RRBP8AE5:RRBP8AE5, passengerCount=1, completeRoute=DXB-CMB:CMB-DXB, journeyType=Return, legs=[LegDto [origin=DXB, destination=CMB, id=1], LegDto [origin=CMB, destination=DXB, id=2]]], items=[ItemDto [unitPrice=665.9709621993128, quantity=1, productCode=SERVICE, productName=FLT, productSKU=DXB-CMB:CMB-DXB, firstName=one, lastName=test, userID=1, status=Reserved, userType=Adult, <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="5e2b2d3b2c1b333f3732633f1e2a3b2d2a703d3133">[email protected]</a>, userPhone=+2134543535345, chargeDetails=[]]], threeDSecureInfo=null, ipAddress=, browserAcceptHeader=null, browseUserAgentHeader=null, redirectionURL=null, locale=null, systemData=SystemDataDto [field1=AIR &amp; LAND, field2=Mahasen by Foozoo, field3=2.5, field4=260.94, field5=CMB, field6=N, field7=, field8=FZE, field9=LK, field10=null, field11=null, field12=N, field13=null, field14=null, field15=null, field16=null, field17=null, field18=null, field19=null, field20=null, field21=null, field22=null, field23=null, field24=null, field25=null, field26=null, field28=null, field29=null, field30=null, field31=null, field32=null, field33=null, field34=null, field35=null, field36=null, field37=null, field38=null, field39=null, field40=null, field41=null, field42=null, field43=null, field44=null, field45=null, field46=null, field47=null, field48=null, field49=null, field50=null], pnrDetails=null, deviceFingerprintID=null, channel=null, cyberSourceProfile=FZH, taDetails=null, paymentMethod=CARD, successURL=;locale=en&amp;d=CMB, failureURL=null, cancelURL=null, pendingURL=null, notificationURL=, contactInfo=PayerContactInfoDto [<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="8aefe7ebe3e6b7ebcafeeff9fea4e9e5e7">[email protected]</a>, phoneNumber=+2134543535345], generatedOTP=null]"</td>

assume that my td content needs to be truncated with dots after every 3 or 4 characters without using any scripts.

When clicked on, a popup should display the entire text.

Answer №1

Is this what you are looking for?

You have the ability to toggle the visibility of the text by simply clicking on it.

var element = document.querySelector(".mytd");

element.addEventListener("click", function() {
td.mytd {
  max-width: 200px;
  overflow: hidden;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  white-space: nowrap;
    <td _ngcontent-c2="" class="mytd">"PaymentRequestDto [systemId=FZHolidays, entityId=GIYBV20180611054717483, paymentId=FZLEKS20180611054912756, currency=AED, amount=1419.18, apiOperation=null, requestType=TRAVEL, gateway=TNSPAY, transactionRef=87904, sessionId=4ba806bf-9ab7-49ad-bda7-0526e38d8601,
      billTo=BillToDto [firstName=sdad, lastName=adad, street=sadad, street1=null, street2=null, city=adada, state=null, postalCode=null, country=BH, emailId=null], travelDetails=TravelDetailsDto [departureDate=2018-07-10, departureTime=23:20, gmtVariation=+04:00,
      bookingChannel=WEB, carrierCode=FZ, flightNumber=FZ 547:FZ 548, fareBasisCode=RRBP8AE5:RRBP8AE5, passengerCount=1, completeRoute=DXB-CMB:CMB-DXB, journeyType=Return, legs=[LegDto [origin=DXB, destination=CMB, id=1], LegDto [origin=CMB, destination=DXB,
      id=2]]], items=[ItemDto [unitPrice=665.9709621993128, quantity=1, productCode=SERVICE, productName=FLT, productSKU=DXB-CMB:CMB-DXB, firstName=one, lastName=test, userID=1, status=Reserved, userType=Adult, <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="2a5f594f586f474b4346174b6a5e4f595e04494547">[email protected]</a>, userPhone=+2134543535345,
      chargeDetails=[]]], threeDSecureInfo=null, ipAddress=, browserAcceptHeader=null, browseUserAgentHeader=null, redirectionURL=null, locale=null, systemData=SystemDataDto [field1=AIR &amp; LAND, field2=Mahasen by Foozoo, field3=2.5, field4=260.94,
      field5=CMB, field6=N, field7=, field8=FZE, field9=LK, field10=null, field11=null, field12=N, field13=null, field14=null, field15=null, field16=null, field17=null, field18=null, field19=null, field20=null, field21=null, field22=null, field23=null,
      field24=null, field25=null, field26=null, field28=null, field29=null, field30=null, field31=null, field32=null, field33=null, field34=null, field35=null, field36=null, field37=null, field38=null, field39=null, field40=null, field41=null, field42=null,
      field43=null, field44=null, field45=null, field46=null, field47=null, field48=null, field49=null, field50], pnrDetails=null, deviceFingerprintID=null, channel=null, cyberSourceProfile=FZH, taDetails=null, paymentMethod=CARD, successURL=;locale=en&amp;d=CMB,
      failureURL=null, cancelURL=null, pendingURL=null, notificationURL=, contactInfo=PayerContactInfoDto [<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="5b3e363a3237663a1b2f3e282f75383436">[email protected]</a>, phoneNumber=+2134543535345], generatedOTP=null]"</td>


Answer №2

It appears that you have already commented that line out in your code.

UPDATE: Attempting to hide overflow text while also displaying a popup is not feasible, as it will also hide the popup. Your options are either to use overflow hidden or to utilize popups. The td tag may complicate finding alternative solutions.

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