Height of VUE Carousel 3D Slider dimension

I recently integrated the VUE Carousel 3D Slider on my website, but I'm facing an issue with controlling the height of the slides. There seems to be excessive space below the slider because the slides are unnecessarily tall. I attempted to adjust the height by targeting the parent element:

#vue-slider {
    height: 100%;

Unfortunately, this did not resolve the issue.

Is there a specific setting to properly adjust the slider's height?

You can view the slider in action at the following link, located just below the header:

Please note that there may be a slight delay in loading the page.

Answer №1

To access the code on GitHub, please visit this link.

The slide height is connected to the computed property called slideHeight. Here's a snippet of the code:

slideHeight () {
    const sw = parseInt(this.width, 10) + (parseInt(this.border, 10) * 2)
    const sh = parseInt(parseInt(this.height) + (this.border * 2), 10)
    const ar = this.calculateAspectRatio(sw, sh)
    return this.slideWidth / ar

In this code block, this.width, this.border, and this.height are all properties of the Carousel3d component.

Make sure to adjust the values of width, border, and height to customize the slide according to your needs.

For example:

<carousel-3d :height="200" :width="100" :border="1"></carousel-3d>

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