Header Blocks that are Fixed While Scrolling in fullPage.js Sections Using the "scrollOverflow: true" Feature

I am experiencing an issue where a fixed header on my website prevents scrolling through sections when hovering, specifically when the setting scrollOverflow: true is enabled.

However, everything works fine and scrolling through all sections is possible when the fixed header is not being hovered over.

Is there a way to enable browsing through sections while still hovering over the fixed header?

To see this issue in action, you can check out the isolated reproduction here: https://jsfiddle.net/o5Lcpemw/1/

Here are the steps to reproduce it:

  1. Hover over the fixed red header
  2. Attempt to scroll through the blue, grey, and green sections

This issue has been observed on MacOS High Sierra using the latest Chrome Release.

Answer №1

To prevent the header from responding to mouse events, simply set the element's pointer-events property to 'none':

#header {
  pointer-events: none;

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