Header and Footer with auto-sizing Body that scrolls

My structure consists of a Header, Body, and Footer

<div id="my-element">
  <div id="header">...</div>
  <div id="body">
  <div id="footer">...</div>

Currently, the element with the ID #my-element is limited to the height of the browser window. The elements with IDs #header and #footer can have varying heights but should not be scrollable. Only the element with the ID #body is allowed to be scrollable, which happens when the combined heights of all three elements exceed that of #my-element. In such cases, only the #body element will display a scrollbar.

I believe there may be a simple solution using flexbox, but since I am not familiar with that property, I have not been able to find one yet.

Answer №1

It seems like there might be a simple solution using flexbox

And you're absolutely right!

/* Here are the key points: */
body {margin:0}
#my-element {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  max-height: 100vh
#header, #footer {flex-shrink: 0}
#body { overflow-y: scroll }

/* Just so you can see it in action: */
#footer {
  border: 1px solid
<div id="my-element">
  <div id="header">HEADER<br>HEADER</div>
  <div id="body">
  <div id="footer">FOOTER</div>

This is my favorite flexbox cheatsheet; it's much simpler than traditional layouts in most cases:


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