Having trouble with ng-class not updating properly when using setTimeout in Angular?

I am encountering an issue with my 'highlightBookmark' function that is supposed to change the background color of a list item after 2 seconds. However, it is not working as expected! The background color only changes when the function is called by a click event and not automatically after the specified time has passed.

Below is the code snippet:


$scope.markers = [
        time: 9.5,
        text: "Bookmark 1",
        class: false
        time: 106,
        text: "Bookmark 2",
        class: false

$scope.currentBookmark = -1;

function highlightBookmark(index) {
    $scope.markers[index].class = true;

var interval = setInterval(checkTime, 100);

function checkTime(){
    if(Math.floor(player.currentTime()) == 2){

$scope.jumpTo = function (index) {

The 'highlightBookmark' function takes an integer as input, finds the object at that position, and updates the 'class' property to true. For example, passing the number 1 to the function will update the 'class' property of the object at index 2 to true.

Although the 'highlightBookmark' function is being called after 2 seconds, the class does not get updated, resulting in no change in background color.

When I call the function using a click event, it works perfectly.

HTML file

<ul id="bookmarkList">
    <li ng-repeat="bookmark in markers" ng-class="{'active': bookmark.class}" ng-click="jumpTo($index)">{{bookmark.text}}</li>

The list item in the HTML file has the ng-class property that should be changed after 2 seconds.

You can view a similar code on Codepen where a button's color changes upon click but doesn't change after setTimeout, even though the method is called.


I would appreciate any help in resolving this simple issue.

Answer №1

If you're struggling with the vanilla setInterval function not updating scope variables, consider using the $interval API provided by Angular instead:

var interval = $interval(checkTime, 100);

function checkTime(){
    if(Math.floor(player.currentTime()) == 2){
  1. Note that clearInterval(interval) should be changed to interval.cancel()
  2. Don't forget to inject it as a dependency.
  3. A valid point made by charlietfl: Remember to cancel the interval if the scope is destroyed.

Insert this code snippet into your controller:

$scope.$on("$destroy", function( event ) {
    interval.cancel( timer );

For more information, visit: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$interval

Answer №2

setInterval and setTimeout don't operate within the Angular digest cycle, making them difficult for Angular to track.

An alternative is to utilize the $timeout service in your controller, which provides the same timeout functionality while remaining under Angular's observation.

Answer №3

It is recommended to use angular $timeout over setInterval or setTimeout.

Reasons for using $timeout:

  1. These functions do not trigger a $digest on the $scope variables;
  2. $timeout consumes less memory while achieving the same result as $interval.

This is how your controller section will be structured:

$scope.markers = [
        time: 9.5,
        text: "Bookmark 1",
        class: false
        time: 106,
        text: "Bookmark 2",
        class: false

$scope.currentBookmark = -1;

function highlightBookmark(index) {
    $scope.markers[index].class = true;

$timeout(checkTime, 2000);

function checkTime(){

$scope.jumpTo = function (index) {

Do not forget to inject the $timeout as a dependency in your controller.


The provided code will set a default bookmark after 2 seconds. For further improvements, additional details about the player's behavior are required. Provide more context so that adjustments can be made accordingly.

Consider implementing "controller as" approach. Refer to John Papa's article on this topic for more insights:

If you wish to toggle background on click event, utilize the following code snippet which ensures proper handling of multiple li elements:

<div ng-app="classApp" ng-controller="classCtrl">
   <ul id = "bookmarkList">
    <li ng-repeat="bookmark in markers" ng-class="{'active': selectedMarker === bookmark}" ng-click="jumpTo(bookmark)">{{bookmark.text}}</li>

$scope.selectedMarker = null;

function highlightBookmark(marker) {
   $scope.selectedMarker = marker;

$timeout(checkTime, 2000);

function checkTime(){

$scope.jumpTo = function (marker) {

See you later!

Answer №4

let myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);

myApp.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope, $timeout) {
    $scope.isClicked = false;
    $scope.clickButton = function () {
        $scope.isClicked = !$scope.isClicked;

    function updateTime() {
        $scope.isClicked = !$scope.isClicked;

    $timeout(updateTime, 2000)

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