Having trouble with my CSS hover not functioning properly

I need some help with my code. Can you please take a look and let me know why the hover effect is not working? Thank you!

           background-color: #ffffff;

<a id="moreDiscussHome" style="color:#f1f7f8;background-color:#12a1b7;" href="">more discussions</a>

Answer №1

Once you apply display: none;, the element no longer responds to hover, causing it to flicker or do nothing.

You might want to consider using opacity instead:

#moreDiscussHome:hover {
    opcaity: 0;

Keep in mind that with this method, the element still takes up space in the layout, which may not be desired. It's unclear what your end goal is here.

On a side note, it would be beneficial to move those inline styles to a separate stylesheet.

Attempting to change the background color on hover like this won't work: #moreDiscussHome:hover{ background-color: #ffffff; }

EDIT: I strongly advise moving all inline styles to a CSS file. This will help avoid issues, such as the one you're experiencing with applying background colors. Taking shortcuts may seem easier, but remember: "Shortcuts make for long delays." (In other words, don't do it)

* Using visibility:hidden instead of display:none won't respond to :hover either. Thanks to thirtydot for pointing this out.

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