Having trouble with loading background images in the style tag of Vue.js. Can anyone offer a solution?

I have exhausted all options in my Vue app, but I am still unable to load the background image in my app.vue file. Despite getting the .html file to work with it, the image just won't show up. I've scoured the internet for solutions without success. Let's dive right into the problem.

background-image: url("/@/components/images/Cover1.jpg");

This code seems to have no effect.

I even tried adding a background color, and that worked perfectly fine. Everything shows up except the image. I suspect the issue lies within the path. I've attempted various formats from ~@/components/images/Cover1.jpg to /components/images/Cover1.jpg, but nothing seems to work. Oddly enough, using both /components/images/Cover1.jpg and /@/components/images/Cover1.jpg does not produce any errors in Vue.js.

Here is the folder structure containing the image I need:

(2 errors are due to a Vetur bug and are unrelated to the tag) I am designing the website layout from the tag in app.vue

I have also tested the image loading in a standard HTML and CSS file


In this file structure and normal HTML/CSS file

background-image: url("images/Cover1.jpg");

The above code works just fine, but the one in app.vue causes issues. Any guidance on what steps to take next would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

I can't believe I made such a silly mistake, but the issue was with the letter case...

The image folder name had an uppercase "I", while I mistakenly wrote


instead of


As a result, the image failed to load, although surprisingly no errors were displayed.

In retrospect, it was a trivial thing to get worked up about... at least I've made a contribution to the community! -.-

Answer №2

Typically in Vue, static files are stored in the assets folder.

background-image: url("~@/assets/images/Cover1.jpg");

However, for your specific scenario, you can try using this path:

background-image: url("~@/components/images/Cover1.jpg"); 

Make sure to include the tilde ~ at the beginning of the path.

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