Having Trouble with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for Docked Menu

Click here for the code snippet

It seems like everything should be functioning correctly... right?

The CSS provided in the sample is pretty straightforward:

command,a {float:left;border:1px solid blue;}

And the HTML code is just as simple:

<br style="clear:both">
<a href="#example">Example</a>
<a href="#example">Example</a>
<a href="#example">Example</a>

If there are any issues, I'll go ahead and submit a bug report.

Oops! My mistake! I wanted to mention Chrome and Firefox 4! Updated link can be found here

In those browsers, it should display similar to this image: Browser display example

Essentially, the text seems to be appearing outside of the designated elements.

Answer №1

Does it appear like this?

Or should it appear like this?

To observe it in action, click here.

By the way, I'm not entirely certain if I correctly understood your response, so please provide feedback if otherwise!

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