Having trouble styling the image within a <section> tag using CSS

I've been attempting to incorporate an image into the PUG template engine of node.js using CSS, however, the image isn't showing up on the screen even though other properties are functioning correctly.

Here is the code from the .PUG file section:

        | Section for Pictures

And here is the CSS code included in the .PUG file:

background:center/cover no-repeat url("/static/bg.jpg")  ;
color: white;
display: flex;
height: 300px;
background-color: lightgreen;}

The image is located in the Static Folder as demonstrated in the code. All other modifications made in the CSS file appear normally in the browser, but the image doesn't show up.

The error message displayed in the console is: localhost/:1 GET http://localhost/static/bg.jpg 404 (Not Found)

Answer №1

In the event that your CSS file is located in a different folder, you will need to specify the css path like this.

background:center/cover no-repeat url("../static/bg.jpg");

If you continue to encounter difficulties, please provide me with the page link for further assistance.

Answer №2

I am grateful for all the support I received and a special thank you to JOHN RC for the helpful suggestion. I was facing an issue with my Static file serving, but after copying and pasting some code from the official website of Express.js, it resolved the problem. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could explain to me the difference between the syntax that caused the error and the one that fixed it.

The syntax that was causing the error was:


And the syntax that solved my problem is:

app.use('/static', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'static')))
. Can someone clarify the distinction between these two? Both syntaxes are available on the official documentation of Express.js.

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