Having trouble setting the CSS width to 100%

Is there a way to assert the CSS width of an element in NightwatchJS to be 100% without hard-coding the value? Currently, when I attempt to do so, it fails and reports that the width is 196px. The specific error message is as follows:

Testing if element <[data-e2e="base-button"][class="xs block"]> has css property "width: 100%". - Expected "100%" but got: "196px"

I have experimented with different syntaxes to achieve the desired outcome:

page.assert.cssProperty(`@button-element`, 'width', '100%');

In order to account for varying container widths, I prefer not to rely on hardcoded values. What alternative approach should I take?

Although I am utilizing the Page Object Model, I am open to exploring other methods if needed.

Answer №1

Have you considered starting by determining the width of the parent element and then comparing it with the width of the child element in order to calculate the percentage?

Although I am not familiar with nightwatch, based on your description, a pseudocode for achieving this could look something like:

const {expect} = require('chai');
let buttonParentSize = page.get.cssProperty(`@button-parent`, 'width'),
    buttonSize = page.get.cssProperty(`@button-element`, 'width'),
    buttonSizePercentage = (buttonSize / buttonParentSize)*100;


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