Having trouble identifying the CSS style being applied to a specific element

In this image, a red border is seen on the input fields indicating an error with some CSS style being applied. Despite this, it is difficult to determine which CSS selector is causing this as Firebug does not reveal any applied styles.


Live Demonstration: Unfortunately, there is no direct URL for the page in question. However, you can follow these steps to view the issue:

  1. Visit: https://wordpress.org/themes/imgwize/
  2. Click on the "Preview" button.
  3. Scroll down and open the first post labeled "Hello world". You will find the comment form there.
  4. Leave the fields empty and click on the "Post Comment" button.

Answer №1

The validation style in Firefox browser is built-in and utilizes HTML5 features. It can be achieved by using the required="required" attribute in HTML5. To customize this styling, you can use the :invalid CSS pseudo element.

input:invalid {
   box-shadow: none;

Answer №2

Upon testing the form on a different browser such as Chrome, it becomes apparent that the behavior differs from that in FireFox. This discrepancy could likely be attributed to specific browser features. One can observe that all form inputs are marked with the required attribute, potentially triggering this particular reaction from the browser when left empty.

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