I am currently working on a project that involves implementing a popup feature. Specifically, I want a pop up to appear when the "select country" option is clicked.
For reference, here is a link to a website that has a similar popup functionality:
I have attempted to replicate the JavaScript code used in that example on my JSFiddle, but for some reason it is not working as intended.
You can view my version of the code here: http://jsfiddle.net/6QXGG/2/
// Code for handling locale selector actions
var foot_height = $('#footer').innerHeight();
var foot_height_css = foot_height-12;
var select_position = '-=' + (Number(400)+18);
var $selector = $('#locale-select');
$(this).animate({top:select_position}, 1000);
var select_label_width = $('#region-picker .locale-select-lable').outerWidth()+8;
// Check if we need to show the locale blip
// This part was moved to document.ready
// checkCookie();