Having trouble getting @media queries to work effectively across various screen sizes

Currently, I am using Sass with Bootstrap and facing some challenges when implementing different media queries. Despite most discussions revolving around CSS problems only, I am uncertain of the source of my issue and how to effectively address it. The styles for min-width: 1400px are functioning correctly, but those for smaller resolutions are not taking effect. It appears that they are being overridden by another @media-query. How can I prevent this from happening?

Incorporating Angular into my project along with Bootstrap4 and SASS, I have been utilizing the container-fluid class provided by Bootstrap. To ensure responsiveness across various devices, I am experimenting with @media-queries to maintain a consistent layout. Moreover, I have been utilizing Bootstrap classes like "col-md..." in order to achieve a responsive design.

With SASS lacking brackets {} and semicolons, there is some uncertainty regarding whether or not I might be unintentionally overriding existing styles with my current approach.

@import '../../sass/var'

@media (min-width: 1351px)
   margin-left: 290px
   font-family: $font
   color: $white
   font-size: 30px
@media (max-width: 1350px)
  margin-left: 100px
  font-family: $font
  color: $white 

While the desired results are successfully displayed on higher resolutions, sadly, the lower resolution settings remain unaffected by this method.

Answer №1

Your indentation in the lower block does not align with the correct rules. Be sure to maintain proper indentation levels when nesting, similar to what you have done in the upper block.

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