Having trouble assigning an active class to the selected button in Vuetify's v-btn-toggle component

In my project, I have implemented a toggle feature using Vuetify's v-button-toggle with three buttons. Each button is supposed to have a different active class that changes when clicked. However, currently the respective active class is not being set when clicking on a button. Can anyone help me identify what I might be missing?

  class="d-flex flex-column "
  <v-btn active-class="dnrSelected" exact>
    <v-icon right class="mr-2">mdi-close</v-icon>
    <span>Do Not Recommend</span>
  <v-btn active-class="rSelected">
    <v-icon right class="mr-1">mdi-check</v-icon>
  <v-btn active-class="srSelected">
    <v-icon right class="mr-1">mdi-check-all</v-icon>
    <span>Strongly Recommend</span>

Here are the CSS classes being used:

<style scoped>
  .dnrSelected {
    background-color: #e57373;
  .rSelected {
    background-color: #c5e1a5;
  .srSelected {
    background-color: #81c784;

An update: The expected class gets added to the button upon click.

<button type="button" class="v-btn srSelected v-btn--active v-btn--contained theme--light v-size--default"><span class="v-btn__content"><i aria-hidden="true" class="v-icon notranslate mr-1 v-icon--right mdi mdi-check-all theme--light"></i> <span>Strongly Recommend</span></span></button>

Another update: There is a default Vuetify class overriding the custom styles applied.

.v-btn-toggle--group > .v-btn.v-btn {
  background-color: transparent !important;
  border-color: transparent;
  margin: 4px;
  min-width: auto;

I am looking for suggestions on how to override this default style class.

Answer №1

I gave it a shot on codepen and everything seems to be working smoothly. Here is the link to the codepen

Below you'll find a snippet of the code. For the full version, please refer to the codepen link provided above.

<div id="app">
  <v-app id="inspire">
          <v-col cols="12">
            <p class="text-center">Multiple</p>

            <v-btn active-class="aa">
            <v-btn active-class="bb">
            <v-btn active-class="cc">
            <v-btn active-class="dd">

            Model: {{ toggle_exclusive }}

One piece of advice I have is to consider removing the scoped from the style as it may be causing issues with Vuetify's own components.

Answer №2

One solution I've discovered involves specifically targeting elements in the custom CSS by assigning an ID to the containing element as shown below

 class="d-flex flex-column"

Then, utilize this id to pinpoint target elements like so

#btnGroup .dnrSelected {
  background-color: #ef9a9a !important;

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