Having trouble applying styles to a component using forwardRef

I'm relatively new to React and still trying to wrap my head around the component's lifecycle. However, the issue at hand is proving to be quite perplexing.

One thing that confuses me is why adding "setState(10);" causes the style of the "Test" component to revert back to its default value, while the

<div ref={ref2}>Hi</div>
keeps its style unchanged (see image below).

I understand that calling "setState(10);" triggers a re-render, but what I can't comprehend is why the style of the "Test" component resets to its default state.

Additionally, please disregard the "practical use" of using setState(10) - I know it serves no purpose as it's never utilized. I also understand that including "state" as a useEffect dependency can resolve this issue. However, my main concern is understanding the reason behind the component's style reverting to its default values.

import React, { useEffect, useState, useRef } from "react";

export default function App() {
  const [state, setState] = useState();
  let ref1 = useRef();
  let ref2 = useRef();
  useEffect(() => {
    console.log("useEffect called ", ref1.current);
    ref1.current.style.backgroundColor = "red";
    ref2.current.style.backgroundColor = "green";
   // }, [state]);
  }, []);

  const Test = React.forwardRef((props, ref1) => {
    console.log("test called - rendering webpage", ref1.current);
    return (
      <div ref={ref1} {...props}>
        HI from Test{" "}

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Test ref={ref1} />
      <div ref={ref2}>Hi</div>

Console output

test called - rendering webpage undefined
useEffect called <div style="background-color: red;">HI </div>
test called - rendering webpage <div style="background-color: red;">HI </div>

Answer №1

The disappearance of the style is due to your Test component being defined inside your App component. This means that every time App renders, a new component type named Test is created. Although the content of the component remains the same, react recognizes it as a new type and replaces the old one. Consequently, any changes made to the previous component are lost.

To resolve this issue, you should move Test outside of App. By doing so, the component is defined only once and will not be remounted with each render.

export default App() {
  // ...

const Test = React.forwardRef((props, ref1) => {
  // ...

This adjustment should prevent the reset and allow you to use refs effectively, although I advise against using refs for styling. While refs can be necessary at times, the recommended approach for styling a component is through the style prop. If styling needs to be changed dynamically, utilize a state variable to control the style prop instead.

If you directly manipulate the style with javascript like

, react cannot register these changes. As a result, react may override or skip updating styles that were modified manually.

export default function App () {
   const [colored, setColored] = useState(false);
   useEffect(() => {
   }, [])

   return (
    <div className="App">
      <Test style={colored ? { backgroundColor: "green" } : undefined} />
      <div style={colored ? { backgroundColor: "red" } : undefined}>Hi</div>

// Not essential anymore, but left for completeness
const Test = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
  return (
    <div ref={ref} {...props}>
      HI from Test

Answer №2

import React, { useEffect, useState, useRef } from "react";

export default function App() {
  const [state, setState] = useState();
  let ref1 = useRef();
  let ref2 = useRef();
  useEffect(() => {
    console.log("useEffect called ", ref1.current);
    ref1.current.style.backgroundColor = "red";
    ref2.current.style.backgroundColor = "green";
    // }, [ref.current]);
  }, [state]);

  const NewComponent = React.forwardRef((props, ref1) => {
    console.log("NewComponent called - rendering webpage", ref1.current);
    return (
      <div ref={ref1} {...props}>
        Greetings from NewComponent{" "}

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <NewComponent ref={ref1} />
      <div ref={ref2}>Hello</div>

This issue occurs because when the state is updated, the entire component is re-rendered. The useEffect hook only runs once on componentDidMount, so the new reference you get is not updated. To fix this, you should use the state as a dependency of the useEffect.

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