Having difficulty adjusting the height of the textarea

I encountered an unusual bug while working on a project involving a textarea. Initially, I suspected an error in my code. However, I was able to reproduce the bug by simplifying it in a JsFiddle.

The issue is as follows:
When I programmatically change the height of the textarea without any user interaction beforehand, the height remains fixed at that size. For instance, if you click on the "Change size" button (in the provided jsfiddle) and then attempt to resize it back to its original size using the bottom-right corner grip, you are unable to do so. It seems like the new height becomes the new ''minimum allowed size'' of the textarea.

What am I missing here? What could be the mistake I am making?
Thank you for your assistance.

Answer №1

Height takes precedence over min-height in Chrome.

In previous versions of Chrome, there were no restrictions.

Therefore, if you specify a height, it will override the min-height property. It is recommended to set min-height and max-height values only. In Chrome, height overrides min-height.

  max-height: auto;
  min-height: 50px;
  resize: both;

This solution works for me on Chrome Version 47.0.2526.111: https://jsfiddle.net/ezsz8xr5/9/

I came across this interesting link: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=94583

It appears to be a known issue.

Answer №2

While this question may have been asked previously without a satisfactory answer, I have stumbled upon a solution that seems to work.

Upon experimenting, I discovered that setting a percentage height for the textarea does not adjust according to its parent container.

By using the CSS rule resize: vertical, you can manually adjust the height, but your browser will interpret it in pixels.

My workaround involved simply setting height: 150px, which successfully resolved the issue.

Here are two potential solutions:

  1. To avoid sizing issues, specify the height of the textarea in pixels rather than percentages.
parent {
    width: 150px;

parent textarea {
    height: 100%; /* won't work as expected */

/* Instead, use : */

/* css variable */
:host {
    --height: 150px;

parent {
    height: var(--height);

parent textarea {
    height: var(--height);

If you prefer a SCSS approach:

parent {
    $height: 150px;

    height: $height;

    textarea {
        height: $height;
  1. Another method involves declaring the textarea parent's display property as flex. By default, this should automatically resize the textarea. If not, try the following:
parent {
    display: flex;
    /* if flex alone doesn't work, include this + textarea rule : */
    flex-flow: column nowrap;

parent textarea {
    flex: 1; /* instructs the textarea to occupy all available space */

It appears that this behavior could be browser-dependent and remains unresolved as of 2022. Unfortunately, the reason behind it is not clearly documented.

I hope this information proves useful to someone facing similar challenges in the future.

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