Modify CSS image according to the user interface language in

Is there a way to dynamically change the image based on different cultures in my ASP.NET webpage? I have successfully been able to switch strings using a resource file, but I am unsure how to handle images. Currently, I have an A tag with a specific class assigned to it, and this class is defined in a CSS file where a background image is set. How can I modify my code to allow the website to choose a different image based on the culture? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

In default.aspx file
<a class="classproperties">

In mystylesheet.css file
 .classproperties { 
      background-image: url(../img/myimg.png);    

Answer №1

To implement image paths into Resource files, follow these steps:

<div style="background-image: url('@Resources.ImagePath')"></div>

Answer №2

To enhance the functionality of resource files, considering the possibility of extension is a practical approach. An alternative could involve dynamically adding culture-specific CSS files to supplement existing styles.

Given the advancing capabilities of search engines, implementing javascript to assign culture-specific classes to elements earmarked for modification, and subsequently cascading the stylesheet, can be advantageous.

 .classproperties { background-image: url(../img/generic.png); }
 .classproperties .enUS { background-image: url(../img/enUS.png); }
 .classproperties .frFR { background-image: url(../img/frFR.png); }
 .classproperties .frCA { background-image: url(../img/frCA.png); }

This method offers flexibility as it allows jQuery and similar frameworks to utilize HTML5 data attributes on elements. This permits easy iteration through elements with specific values, enabling the addition of relevant class information effortlessly.

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