H1 and span elements experiencing abnormal size discrepancies

Check out this code snippet:

<h1><a href="">Windows App Store<br /><span class="smallSubText">applications</span></a></h1>

and here's the CSS styling:

#windowsStoreApplications {
    float: right;
    width: 50%;

    font-size: 16pt;
    text-align: center;
    height: 182px;

    background-color: #9DCA87;
    border-top: 6px solid #AEDF66;

.smallSubText {
    font-size: 16pt;

In the code, both h1 and span elements have the same font size set. However, when you view them on the site, they appear to be different sizes. It seems like there might be some weirdness with how the font sizes are rendered.

Could this discrepancy be related to a specific issue with the h1 element?

Answer №1

To properly style the #windowsStoreApplications div in your CSS, it's essential to declare a #windowsStoreApplications h1 {} selector and apply styling such as font-size:16px; for the desired effect. This ensures that you are targeting the h1 element within the div accurately.

Answer №2

First of all, it's important to note that if you haven't specified a font size for your h1 elements (and others), the default styles of the browser will take over, and these sizes can differ.

Secondly, it is advised that you avoid using pt as your unit of measurement for font sizes, and instead opt for px, em, or %.

#appStoreTitles h1 {
font-size:16pt; /* or preferred unit */

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