Guide to resolving the issue of "Links lacking a clear name" in Lighthouse

Lighthouse is recommending that I address my a href text

Here is the HTML code snippet in question:

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="social-icon twitter grayscale"></a>

The issue is that I am simply displaying an image inside the anchor tag using a CSS class:

.social-icon.twitter {
  background: url('../images/logo-twitter.png') no-repeat center center;

I cannot use <a....>Twitter</a> because it would disrupt the layout.

I have considered placing a span with hidden text inside the a tag, like this:

<a....><span class="hide">Twitter</span></a>
, but I am curious if there is a better solution?

Do you have any recommendations for this situation?

Answer №1

To ensure accessibility for screen readers, it is necessary for links to either contain text within them or have a description in the aria-label attribute. In certain situations such as this, where you do not want visible text within the link, but rather use an image or graphic element as a wrapper, you can resolve this by including aria-label="Twitter" in your a element, like so:

<a href="" aria-label="Twitter" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="social-icon twitter grayscale"></a>

Answer №2

To incorporate this into a react app, it is necessary to include the aria-label attribute in the <a> tag.


<a href={`https://${ }`} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
   <i className="fa fa-circle fa-stack-2x"></i>
   <i className={ `fa fa-${ this.props.icon } fa-stack-1x fa-inverse` }></i>


<a href={`https://${ }`} aria-label={`${ }`} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
   <i className="fa fa-circle fa-stack-2x"></i>
   <i className={ `fa fa-${ this.props.icon } fa-stack-1x fa-inverse` }></i>

Answer №3

Need help with SlickNav? Here's a simple solution: just include a title attribute in the JavaScript file where aria-haspopup="true" and tabindex="0" attributes are present. Insert title="Anything" in the specified line mentioned above, and the issue will be resolved. Check out a working example at Oceanspace

If you encounter similar problems, remember to add a title attribute to the corresponding anchor element.

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