Guide to importing a JavaScript file into a different JavaScript file

I encountered an issue while trying to import a JavaScript file into my server-side JavaScript file. The function I need to run cannot be executed on the server side. Is there a method to successfully import my source code to the server-side JavaScript file so that the function can be executed? Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

JavaScript file for exporting to server-side

const {Builder, By, Key, util} = require("selenium-webdriver");

(async function googlesearch() {
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
        await driver.get("");
        let searchField = await driver.findElement('q'));
        await searchField.sendKeys("workout videos");
        await searchField.sendKeys(Key.ENTER);
        await driver.wait(until.titleIs('workout videos - Google Search'), 5000);

        let list = await driver.findElements(By.className('g'));
        if(list.length <= 0 ){
            throw new Error('Test - FAIL');
            console.log('Test - Success');
    } finally {
        console.log("automation complete")

Answer №1

One possible approach could be:

const {WebDriver, By, Key, until} = require("selenium-webdriver");

exports.runGoogleSearch = async () => {
  let driver = await new WebDriver.Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
        await driver.get("");
        let searchField = await driver.findElement('q'));
        await searchField.sendKeys("cat memes");
        await searchField.sendKeys(Key.ENTER);
        await driver.wait(until.titleIs('cat memes - Google Search'), 5000);

        let results = await driver.findElements(By.className('g'));
        if(results.length <= 0 ){
            throw new Error('Test - FAIL');
            console.log('Test - Success');
    } finally {
        console.log("Test completed successfully")

Then you can import it like this:

const { runGoogleSearch } = require('./file/path')

Answer №2

Utilize the module.exports statement in the file you wish to import using Commonjs modules.

For instance

const {Builder, By, Key, util} = require("selenium-webdriver");

async function googlesearch() {
    let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
        await driver.get("");
        let searchField = await driver.findElement('q'));
        await searchField.sendKeys("workout videos");
        await searchField.sendKeys(Key.ENTER);
        await driver.wait(until.titleIs('workout videos - Google Search'), 5000);

        let list = await driver.findElements(By.className('g'));
        if(list.length <= 0 ){
            throw new Error('Test - FAIL');
            console.log('Test - Success');
    } finally {
        console.log("automation complete")

// this was added here:
module.exports.googlesearch = googlesearch;

Then import/require it like this:

const {googlesearch} = require("./yourfilename");

or if you're using js modules export it like this:

export googlesearch;

And to import:

import {googlesearch} from "./yourfilename";

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