Guide to applying a linear-gradient and background image to a particular div using React's styling techniques

How can I set both a linear-gradient and a background image on a specific div using styles in Reactjs?

I am struggling to achieve this, as I can only get either the image or the linear-gradient but not both simultaneously.

The image ends up overlapping with the linear gradient when I try to combine them.

I attempted the following solution:

 leftAdArea: {
      width: 380,
      height: 580,
      background: 'url( no-repeat , linear-gradient(135deg, #50A684 30%, #115E67 90%)',

Can anyone suggest a way for me to successfully use both an image and a linear-gradient as backgrounds?

Thank you!

Answer №1

Here's a tip that might be useful for you. It seems like you may have forgotten to include double quotes within the URL("link"). I utilized a hexadecimal plus alpha value in the linear-gradient (#50A684 - 80), where 80 represents a 50% alpha.

   width: 200px,
   height: 200px,
   background-image:"linear-gradient(135deg, #50A68480 30%, #115E6780 90%), url('')";

Answer №2

sidebarSection: {
  width: 300,
  height: 600,
  background:`url(image.url) no-repeat, linear-gradient(45deg, #FF5733 20%, #E45312 80%)`,

Utilized backticks in place of quotes

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