Guide for adding a rotating fontawesome icon within a hyperlink?

I am currently utilizing FontAwesome 3.1.0, and I have encountered an issue with a simple code snippet that is not functioning as expected:

<a href="/">
    <!-- other html content -->
    <i class="icon-spinner icon-spin"></i>

Interestingly, changing the a tag to div resolves the problem.

Is there a way to enable the CSS3 animation feature? Or is it simply not achievable? I prefer not to resort to changing it to a div element and achieving link-like behavior through JavaScript.


The aforementioned code actually works perfectly fine on platforms like jsfiddle. However, when implemented on my webpage, it does not animate properly. It seems that there might be an underlying conflict that eludes my understanding.

For example:

Experiment by editing where an

<i class="icon-thumbs-up"></i>
is present. Upon replacing it with
<i class="icon-spinner icon-spin"></i>
, the animation ceases to function. Even relocating this <a> tag within the DOM using browser code inspector fails to initiate the animation. Curiously, converting <a> to <div> triggers the animation successfully.

I typically browse with Google Chrome 28.0, but have also observed this behavior in Firefox 22.0.

Answer №1

Identified the issue and found a solution.

Discovered that CSS3 animations do not function properly with display: inline elements, and Bootstrap's css included a rule that caused <i> icons to have display: inline. However, for <i> icons located inside a.btn, Bootstrap's css applied display: inline-block to them.

Therefore, the simple fix is to apply display: inline-block to those i.icon-spinner.icon-spin inside the links.

(Acknowledgment to Praveen for valuable input)

Answer №2

Great job on getting your code to work, as shown in this working fiddle. Just a quick note: it's important to ensure that the icons tag <i> is placed outside the anchor tag to prevent it from being hyperlinked.

Here's how you can make the necessary change:

<i class="icon-spinner icon-spin"></i>
<a href="">Google</a>

For reference, here is the updated Working Fiddle.

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