Grunt is unable to handle the lesscss file

I'm in the process of combining a group of .less files into one large .less file, and then converting it into a single .css file using Grunt's grunt-contrib-less module.

module.exports = function(grunt) {


        concurrent: {
            target1: ['concat:lesscss'],
            target2: ['less']
        concat: {
            lesscss: {
                files: {
        less: {
            files: {

    grunt.registerTask('default', ['concurrent:target1', 'concurrent:target2']);


The big.less is being generated correctly, however, the big.css file is not. Despite this, Grunt outputs

Done, without errors.

What could be the issue?

Answer №1

Have you attempted wrapping it like this?

less: {
    development: {
       files: {
           'server/static/css/big.css': 'server/static/css/big.less'

I believe that is necessary

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